Self breast exam, reminder!

Self breast exam, reminder!

It’s October! Also known as pink October for a reason. Early detection is key. No matter the age, race or creed, we advise you and let this be a reminder to do your self breast exam. 

Femi Secrets has been advocates for women from all points of view but overall health and wellness is our laser focal point. 

As a reminder, below are the steps for a self breast exam. 

Checking for lumps in the breast is an important aspect of breast health. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to perform a breast self-exam:

1. **Choose a Comfortable Position**: You can perform the exam while lying down, standing in front of a mirror, or sitting. Many find it easiest to do it while lying down.

2. **Visual Inspection**: Stand in front of a mirror with your arms at your sides. Look for any changes in size, shape, or contour of your breasts. Raise your arms above your head and look for the same changes.

3. **Use Your Fingers**:
- When lying down, place a pillow under your right shoulder and your right arm behind your head.
- Use the pads of your three middle fingers on your left hand to examine your right breast.
- Press firmly enough to feel the breast tissue but not so hard that it hurts.
- Move your fingers in a circular motion, covering the entire breast area, including the armpit.

4. **Check for Lumps**: Feel for any lumps, hard knots, or unusual changes in texture. Remember that some lumps may be normal breast tissue, but any new or unusual changes should be discussed with a healthcare provider.

5. **Repeat on the Other Side**: Switch positions and repeat the process for your left breast.

6. **When to See a Doctor**: If you notice any lumps, changes in size or shape, or any unusual discharge from the nipples, it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional for further evaluation.

7. **Frequency**: It’s recommended to perform a breast self-exam once a month, ideally a few days after your menstrual period when breasts are less tender.

Regular self-exams can help you become familiar with your breasts, making it easier to notice any changes.

Follow Femi Secrets @femisecrets for all of you women and health wellness updates and tips. 


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