The Leak-Free 'Pretty Panty' Is Making Periods Easier — And Protecting Women's Reproductive Health

Resilience and determination is two words that should always come to mind when mentioning Femi Secrets and their CEO Davielle Jackson.
Its no shocker that the brand is award winning with a leader determined to make sure every woman has access to healthy products as she continues to fight for them daily.
During Covid-19 nations shut down and pandemic, Femi Secrets was horrified but not shocked that so many women were in need of feminie Hygeine supplies. Femi Secrets banded together with limited staff to ship out over 500 free care packages to women in need. Not only were stores out of product but some women just plainly said
Which was totally disheartening to our CEO and she immediately jumped on board to help and find solutions. With limited staff on hand, Femi found a way to help women once again.
Femi will currently be available at all Wegmans stores with their signature product the Pretty Panty providing women with the healthiest solution and ultimate protection while on their periods. Femi is also providing 2 free Femi Wipes to women who purchase the Pretty Panty from Wegmans as added bonus to assist women with their sanitary needs during COVID-19.
Many women extended their gratitude for the help of Femi Secrets during the shut down and lockdown of our country due to corona virus. Jackson, pledged to help as many people as possible by providing free sanitary products.
Femi Secrets continues to lead the market spearheaded by their dedicated CEO Davielle Jackson. Continuing to show they are dedicated to women, not just the market.
Femi CEO Davielle Jackson continues to set the tone for a “taboo” industry. Elevating a woman to a higher level of hygiene is her ultimate goal. Via education, and the use of FDA approved products Femi CEO assures, statistically she will change the course of the market but thats not enough.
Femi CEO spices things up with “risky” Femi girl commercial. She has been in a battle with mega tech stars Instagram and Facebook as they continue to give her strife about the commercial.
But women should feel pretty, they she feel good, they should not be cornered and shamed during the monthly cycle, say’s Jackson. And the commercial does just that. It highlights a women in her every day space, but in a strong and uplifting manner. But most importantly in the Pretty Panty. We have a beautiful product that women can show and be proud of, states Jackson. Femi goals are to make every woman feel free to discuss her monthly cycle and any feminine issues related there of. Every woman should feel beautiful and empowered, especially during that time of the month.
Is the commercial that risky?
The waves keep on erupting as Davielle Jackson CEO At Femi continues to make them by being featured in Forbes. Femi Girl Forbes article
After the huge launch of the Femi E-Comm sector release, Jackson was highlighted in Forbes for not only her business savvy effort, but her philanthropy and how she will create jobs by attacking a taboo subject of feminie hygiene.
The Forbes writer Geri Stengel writes for women@Forbes. The article reads, In 2012, Jackson developed a prototype and manufactured it overseas. Her fashionable leak-proof panty with a built-in pad that is biodegradable, disposable, and comfortable became the first product from Femi Secrets. Like many millennial African American women, Jackson sees entrepreneurship as a way to build wealth.
One of the highlights of the article is Jackson being a select few of individuals to own patents.
Usually, women, especially women of color, don’t patent their products, according to Closing the Gender Gap in Patenting, Innovation, and Commercialization by the Institute for Women’s Policy Research. But Jackson patented Pretty Panty.
As the article highlights, Jackson covers all her bases and is a force to be reckoned with. The article also highlighted the future goals of Jackson.
Jackson has bold goals — scaling to $20 million in revenue in the next three years, building her own manufacturing facility, and expanding globally. “I do want to sell at some point or we might even go public,” she said. And of course she has lots of ideas for more products.
Lets keep our eye of Femi CEO as she states The Pretty Panty is only the beginning.
With the launch of her new e-comm sector, Davielle Jackson CEO of Femi decided she would double down on such an amazing day. Coupled with an evening launch party, featured on the local news, Jackson took over the day.
Jackson a business native of Atlanta, took over Lafayette Square in New York with the irony being, she is a Lafayette Louisiana native as well. They say God has a sense of humor.
“No one has ever seen anything like this in Buffalo“ states Graspie owner Derrick Parson.
Jackson had flags waving and drones flying all to capture the immense moments of the launch of Femi and her new product Femi Box reveal. The question is always.. “are you a Femi Girl?”
Moving fast, over 300 women (and men) came to the big pink tent to see what was the big take over all about. Jackson was present with her Femi team teaching women how to live a fresh and hygienic life.
See the video and images below of the amazing day.See the video and images below of the amazing day. Femi Owner is fearless, confident and forward thinking, which is to our understanding the definition of a Femi Girl!
Fashion show in the same day as her pop up shop??? .
Davielle Jackson’s work ethic has never been questioned since the moment she partnered with Walmart 6 months after releasing her patented product but could she pull off a fashion show, launch party, pop up shop, a national television commercial and the release of 6 new products all in one day, SUCCESSFULLY ??
See video below.
The Fem Hy business mogul is without an doubt changing the market and highlighting feminie hygiene from another stand point. Sit back and watch as no one knows, what Jackson will do next! Coupled with an ice sculpture her Femi Logo reveal, the future surprises look sweet! #Femiapproved
Changing the game when it comes to the Kitty! Owner Davielle Jackson of Femi Secrets gives us the new Seceret to unfold, and why having a pretty panty is needed. Listen and learn her #GCodes to being a Entrepreneur and so much more! Say’s Adri V, radio host @hot991, @9337WBLK and @WDKX.
Adri V was welcoming to Jackson and stated early into the interview that she was excited to have Jackson present and that she had read Jacksons recent article in the Buffalo News. Which Adri says is huge “you’ve made it once your in the Buffalo News” she stated.
Candidly speaking about life as an entrepreneur and the struggles of being a woman in the business world, Jackson elaborated on her efforts and the road to New York. A quote of Jacksons that has made headlines from the interview reads as such,
“Let the numbers talk, instead of your mouth”
Davielle Jackson
Celebrating a long list of achievements last week, started off with a huge Buffalo News article, then lead into here receiving the Young Entrepreneur award from the Buffalo Urban league.
Jackson has huge plans for women and Feminine hygiene as she becomes the leader of the Fem Tech space!
“Thats my goal, I want to start the conversation, with women, about health and wellness of our “special parts” its not taboo. It is literally the gate way for life” Say’s Femi owner Davielle Jackson.
The Buffalo News article written by Scoot Scanlon articulated Jackson from her beginnings to her current time. From a catholic school basketball start, all the way to a award winning entrepreneur. One thing that is clear in the article, although very accomplished at such a young age, she is still just getting started.
The article stated that she has more products coming in the future, big plans for WNY and maybe even starting a family in the near future.